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Senior Spotlight: Matt Mogged

Senior Spotlight: Matt Mogged

Eureka College sports information director Alex Hess caught up with senior Matt Mogged of the football for the second release of the 2015-16 weekly Senior Spotlight series that will have new seniors interviewed every Wednesday.

Q. What is your greatest athletic memory at Eureka College?
Hopefully my best memory has not come yet. Plan for it to be winning conference my senior year. So far, my best memory was our 8-2 year. Especially dominated Westminster and getting 2 touchdowns in that game.
Q. Describe yourself in one sentence?
I am very driven and want to succeed.
Q. Aside from playing (sport), what are some of your other passions?
Another passion is spending time with friends and family.  Nothing more important to me in life than spending as much time as possible with people I love.
Q. What do you plan on doing after graduation from Eureka College with your (degree)?
I am a Criminal Justice major with a Psychology minor. Right now I plan on being a cop after I graduate.
Q. What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?
Live life at the fullest.  Enjoy your college experience and be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.