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Tailgating Guidelines

Pete FioRito Stadium at McKinzie Field has served as the home of Eureka College football for much of the last nine decades and provides a game-day atmosphere second to none in small college football. We want you to have a great experience when you come to campus to see the Red Devils and their opponents and we ask that you follow our game-day guidelines.


  • The main tailgating lot is Reagan East, located directly north of McKinzie Field. Overflow tailgating will be permitted in the Reagan West lot or the grass practice field directly north of the Reagan East lot. Alcohol is permitted in these areas only and is not allowed on public streets, sidewalks or inside McKinzie Field.
  • Tailgating lots officially open four hours prior to kickoff.
  • Tailgating lots close one hour after the completion of the game and no later than 10 p.m.
  • Responsible alcohol consumption is required. Underage alcohol consumption, public intoxication and/or disorderly conduct are strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed and may face criminal prosecution or further disciplinary action outlined by the Eureka College Student Code of Conduct.
  • Kegs (small or large) or devices intended to increase alcohol consumption are prohibited.
  • Grills are to be monitored at all times and operators are responsible for their safe operation. Extinguish all flames before leaving the area and coals should be responsibly discarded.
  • Trash receptacles are provided and tailgating areas must be cleared within one hour after the completion of the game.
  • Portable restrooms are located on the tennis courts. Restrooms in the Reagan complex are not available to provide privacy for the teams. 
  • Parking is $10 in the Reagan East lot.


  • $5 for adults
  • $3 for youths and senior citizens
  • Eureka College faculty, staff and students receive free admission with a valid Eureka College ID
  • All attendees MUST enter through the West gate.  


  • Pets, excluding service animals
  • Outside food
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco products
  • Chewing gum and sunflower seeds are prohibited on the Field Turf


  • Sportsman-like conduct is expected and required of all attendees.
  • Disorderly conduct is strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed and may face criminal prosecution or further disciplinary action outlined by the Eureka College Student Code of Conduct.
  • Only players, coaches, college personnel,  and authorized visitors are allowed on the turf.  
  • The East gate is NOT a public entrance.